Thursday, March 26, 2009

"The Legend of the Seeker"

Note:  There have been seventeen episodes released.  I, however, have only seen the first ten and this review is based on them.

This is a new TV series, (premiered last November), that is a bit like a “Princess Bride meet Lord of the Rings.”  Magic plays a significant role in it, so stay away if you can’t stand the unrealistic!

My impression:   It is very well acted, and the plot is appealing.  Richard Cypher is a young, (very handsome of course!), farmer boy who’s happy world gets shattered when he simultaneously learns that he is the one spoken of in an ancient prophecy, (to be the wielder of the Sword of Truth, to seek out and fight evil wherever it is found, and to ultimately kill the tyrant of the Midlands, Darken Rahl); and that Darken Rahl is sending an army to kill him.  Richard is joined by an old wizard named Zeddicus and a lovely young Confessor named Kahlan, (kay-lin), who are to aide him in his quest against all forces of evil.  As a Confessor, Kahlan’s touch can make anyone confess the truth and do whatever she bids. 

Richard and Kahlan are thoroughly likable and their characters are very well developed!  You feel like you really know them.  Zedd is generally very amusing, but some of his doings are going to show up in my “don’t like” list below.  Warning:  THIS THING IS ADDICTING!!  You get so attached to the people, and each episode is so exciting, that you get… quite frankly… addicted.  There is also humor sprinkled throughout, along with touches of romance.  I assume it’s a PG rating; there is blood but not in excessiveness.  I don’t recall any foul language.  It was filmed in New Zealand, so the scenery is awesome!

What I don’t like:  First, the morality in the fantasy world portrayed is rather loose.  Your nose isn’t rubbed in it, but there are occasional references to “so-and-so’s lover.”  Also, Zedd was apparently quite a ladies’ man in his younger days and in one of the episodes, a woman shows up claiming that he has a son which leads to some awkward conversations.  Secondly, in the first scene in which Zedd appears, (poor Zedd, sorry to pick on you buddy but it can’t be helped), he lacks clothing.  It’s dark, and at first all you see is a silhouette and you can’t really tell, and when he turns around he’s shielded with a, umm, chicken, but it’s still rather shocking if you aren’t expecting it!  At least that scene is very brief.

Overall:  The good outweighs the bad!!  All the episodes made so far are available for free watching at  They do have commercials, but only like 30 seconds worth every now and then.  That is where my siblings and I watch them.  There aren’t grand earth shattering lessons to be learned from “The Legend of the Seeker,” but its theme is good against evil and good always wins! 


Sarah said...

Ooo, that sounds cool! I've seen commercials for it, but I figured it wasn't worth watching or whatever. Now I wanna see it. :)