Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Fairest," by Gail Carson Levine

I was so excited when I found this book at our county library, since I really liked the author’s “Ella Enchanted” and her collection of “Princess Tales.” In most, if not all of her books, Gail Carson Levine’s style is to take a well known fairy tale and build a slightly twisted but still recognizable story around it. I know, that’s nothing new! But I think she does it well. Pretty obviously, “Fairest” is her take on Snow White.

But it wasn’t anything like it! Okay, there’s a magic mirror. And the bad Queen Ivi is obsessed with being fairest. Maid Aza, our heroine, is considered by others and even more so by herself, ugly. Her dream is to be beautiful. She’s nuts about it. In the end of the book, she realizes that outward beauty is not what’s important, and that’s the moral of the story. The plot had great potential! But I don’t think the author spent quite enough time on the work. The character development of everyone except Aza was rushed, as was the romance part. I didn’t feel like I knew the prince at all! What’s more, Aza herself was so petty about her personal appearance, (until the end), that I didn’t get to like as well as I was probably intended to.

But despite those short comings, I did enjoy the book! I was disappointed by said short comings, and the lack of Snow-White-ness, but it held my attention. I would recommend it as a fun read, nothing deep but something to devour on a rainy day, or on a trip as long as reading in the car doesn’t bother you. One really cool thing about the book is that it invents a little society with neat ways and customs, which adds a lot to the book. I don’t think you’ll be sorry you read it, as long as you don’t make my mistake and expect it to be like its mother fairy tale. THERE ISN’T A SINGLE DWARF! So tragic. :P


Samuel said...

I read it and thought it was very interesting but not as good as ella enchanted